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Intuitivism - Bergson


According to Henri Bergson, there are two main tools for understanding reality: intelligence and intuition.

According to Bergson, intelligence analyzes reality in a static way, allowing us to gather information but without grasping reality in its essence.

For example, we can learn about a city by looking at numerous photos taken from different angles, but if we rely solely on intelligence, "we fail to grasp what, in reality, is its very essence."

To fully perceive reality, Bergson argues that it is necessary to combine intelligence and intuition.

This requires "placing oneself within the moving reality, adopting its continuously shifting direction, and ultimately grasping it through that intellectual sympathy called intuition."

You will practice exactly this: you will "place yourself within the moving reality."

HOW IT WORKS: With the index finger of your right hand, point at the ball, while using your left hand to move the phone, ensuring that your index finger remains still and continues to point at the ball.

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DEBRIEFING Intuitivism - Bergson

Normally, the ball moves, and you track its position to hit it back.

In this process, you rely on intelligence, but you do not grasp the essence of the ball—its reality.

The goal is to actively move everything else and focus on the reality of the ball.

Your index finger, remaining still, continued pointing at the same spot: the ball.

You "placed yourself within the moving reality," followed its continuously shifting direction to intuit reality, and perhaps, you intuitively grasped its essence.