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Play Panta Rei
The first humanist technology

Sospensione del giudizio - Pirrone


Pyrrho, who lived in Greece in the 4th century BCE, traveled to India, where he encountered the philosophies of other cultures.

This experience led him to observe that each culture interprets the world and its objects in different ways.

According to Pyrrho, it is impossible to truly know anything, because for every statement that defines something, an equally reasonable opposing explanation can be formulated.

Since certainty is unattainable and reality cannot be fully known, Pyrrho advocates an attitude of "suspension of judgment" and "suspension of the intellect."

HOW IT WORKS: You are invited to move objects you regularly interact with—those you think you know—into an imaginary box.

Afterward, you are asked to practice suspension of judgment, acknowledging that, in reality, you do not truly know these three objects.

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DEBRIEFING Suspension of Judgment - Pyrrho

You have practiced suspension of judgment on three objects.

Admitting that you do not truly know these objects and managing to strip them of the meaning we usually attribute to them is not easy. For example, the paddle you control has a specific meaning for you, different from that of the opponent's paddle, even though they look visually similar.

This exercise highlights how difficult it is to separate our habitual thinking from objects and their use, challenging you to suspend judgment and consider things in a neutral way.