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The Allegory of the Cave (Part 1) - Plato


In the first part of the Allegory of the Cave, Plato describes men who have been imprisoned since birth, forced to stare at the wall of a cave.

Behind them is a wall, beyond which other people move wooden and stone figures. A fire casts the shadows of these figures onto the cave wall.

For the prisoners, the shadows are reality itself.

This interactive experience focuses on this part of the story.

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In this experience, you were unable to truly interact. You only observed a game projected onto your screen: a shadow of reality.

The paddles and ball were altered compared to the classic game, and you had no control.

You, too, were just watching the "wall of the cave".

The Allegory of the Cave (Part 2) - Plato

In the second part of the allegory, a prisoner manages to free himself from his chains.

At first, he is blinded by the light and feels pain, but over time, he adjusts and recognizes the real objects.

Now he understands that the shadows were not reality. However, when he returns to the cave to tell the others, he is mocked and not believed.

In the first experience, you tried to interact with shadows of reality. Now, you will explore the reality that created those shadows.

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In the first experience, you interacted with shadows; now, you explore the reality that produced those shadows.

But are you sure this is reality?

Do you think you now understand everything about reality and illusion? Try a unique experience on yourself .